Studies for Adolescents

By participating in a research study, you can help us establish effective treatments and help us learn about the causes and nature of adolescent mental health problems.

You may also, depending on the study, receive significant reduction in treatment costs or receive treatment free of charge.

All of our research studies are completely voluntary; you may opt out at any time without penalty.

  • Individual Trauma-focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) 

    Free evidence-based treatment program where youth (ages 3-17) learn healthy ways of coping with their feelings, while caregivers learn stress management, parenting and behavior management skills, and communication skills. As a result, caregivers are better able to manage their own emotional distress and support their child more effectively. Read the TF-CBT flyer, Call 305-348-5885 or email for more information.

  • Seeking families of children and teens 10-13 years old for a research study about social changes and brain development (THRIVE)

    Your child’s brain activity will be measured during computer and social tasks. You and your child will complete surveys regarding thoughts and feelings. For completing the six study visits, you will receive $600 in compensation, plus $60 for travel expenses. For more details, read the study website.

    Buscamos familias de niños y adolescents entre 10-13 años de edad para un estudio sobre cambios sociales y desarrollo cerebral. La actividad cerebral de su niño/a será medida durante actividades sociales y computarizadas. Usted y su niño/a completarán encuestas acerca de pensamientos y emociones. Por completar las 6 visitas del estudio, recibirá $600 en compensación, además de $60 por gastos de viaje. Para más detalles, visita el sitio web del estudio.

  • Novel Study to Understand how Sleep, Emotions, and Memory are Associated with Anxiety and Worry

    The LEMUR study looks at the role of sleep in processing emotional experiences among children with/without anxiety ages 10-13. We hope that by studying the impact of sleep on emotional memories, we can learn more about child anxiety. Participating children do not need to have a problem with sleep to participate. Study visits would take place 3 times over the course of 3 years, with 18 months in between each study visit. All participants will be compensated $1500 total ($500/visit) for completing all parts of the study.  

    Read the flyer or visit our website to learn more. 

    To contact the LEMUR Study, you can fill out our contact form, text/call (305) 209-0136, or send an email to LEMUR-STUDY@FIU.EDU .

  • Seeking teens (ages 13-17) who have experienced difficult events/trauma in childhood

    The SWAY Project is seeking teens (13-17 years old) who identify as Black or Latino/a/x and who have experienced adversity or difficult life events. The study aims to find out what teens think it means to be healthy in terms of their sexuality and how this is related to general life experiences. Participants can earn up to $35 for their time. For more information, you can read this flyer, call 786-496-4286 or email

  • Seeking caregivers and adolescents ages 12 to 18-years-old with some symptoms of depression

    The Mechanisms Underlying Treatment Technologies (MUTT) Lab is seeking caregivers and adolescents ages 12 to 18-years-old with some symptoms of depression to participate in a study. We are investigating how adolescents' thoughts, moods, and behaviors may change how they feel over time, as well as what drives depression in adolescents. 

     Participation is required for approximately one month.*

    • Parents and adolescents must live in Florida to participate in this study.
    • Parent and adolescents will fill out questionnaires and interviews over Zoom.
    • Adolescents will download an app on their smartphone to track their mood and phone-use over time. 

    Adolescents can earn up to: $151

    Parents can earn up to: $40

     El laboratorio MUTT (Mechanisms Underlying Treatment Technologies) está en búsqueda depadres y adolescentes entre 12 y 18 años de edad que presenten algunos síntomas de depresiónpara participar en un estudio. Estamos investigando cómo los pensamientos, estados de ánimo, ycomportamientos de adolescentes pueden cambiar cómo se sienten al pasar el tiempo. También,estamos investigando lo que conduce la depresión en adolescentes.

     La participación por aproximadamente un mes* es necesaria.

    • Los padres y adolescentes tienen que vivir en Florida para poder participar en este estudio.
    • Los padres y adolescentes llenarán cuestionarios y entrevistas a través de Zoom.
    • Los adolescentes descargarán una aplicación en sus teléfonos celulares para rastrear sus estados de ánimo y el uso del celular con el paso del tiempo. 

     Adolescentes puedenganar alrededor de: $151

    Padres puedenganar alrededor de: $40

    For more information, view the attached flyer, call 305-348-0477 or email

  • Seeking caregivers/parents of Latino/Hispanics youth ages (9-15)
    • Are you the caregiver/parent of a Latino/Hispanic (pre)teen (9-15)? 
    • Are you interested in participating in research (doctoral dissertation study)? 
    • Groups/Interviews provided in Spanish & English 

    If you answered yes, you may qualify to participate in a focus group or a cognitive interview (complete a survey and complete an interview about the survey) which will help to develop a questionnaire specifically designed to look at temperament (general reactions and control of these reactions) among Latino/Hispanic youth in the U.S. Participation is completely voluntary. 

    Groups: One, 2-hour Zoom group; ~4 caregivers/parents; paid $60; groups available Sunday-Wednesday in July 

    Interviews: One, 90-minute Zoom appointment; paid $45; interviews available Sunday-Wednesday in October & November 

    To learn more or sign up click on this flyer.

  • Recruiting teens ages 13-16 for a study on social media use

    We’re recruiting teens for a research study to help us learn how their social media use influences their sleep quality and levels of anxiety.

    Participation Requirements: 

    • Participate in initial interview and three follow-up interviews (6, 12 & 18 months)
    • Compensation of up to $752 if all phases are completed

    For more information, call us at 305-348-6892 or email
    Click here to read the flyer

    Estamos buscando adolescentes para un estudio de investigación que nos ayudará a aprender cómo su uso de las redes sociales influye en la calidad de su sueño y sus niveles de ansiedad.
    Requisitos de participación:
    1. Participar en la entrevista inicial y en tres entrevistas de seguimiento (6, 12 y 18 meses)
    2. Compensación de hasta $752 si se completan todas las fases
    Para más información, llámenos al 305-348-6892 o correo electrónico

  • Seeking Hispanic/Latino Parents' Insights on Anxiety Treatment Perspectives, Cultural Values, and Parenting Practices (youth ages 7-14)

    Seeking Hispanic/Latino Parents' Insights on Anxiety Treatment Perspectives, Cultural Values, and Parenting Practices: We’re interested in learning more about Hispanic/Latino parents’ perspectives on treatment for anxiety and also about parents’ cultural values and parenting practices. Your participation involves completing a few questionnaires and an interview. The total participation time would be 60-90 minutes via Zoom at a time that is convenient for you. Participants will receive $50 via Zelle or Venmo for completing the study. This study does not involve treatment. The purpose of the study is to speak with Hispanic/Latino parents about their perspectives on treatment and parenting.

    Buscando las perspectivas de padres hispanos/latinos sobre el tratamiento de la ansiedad, los valores culturales y las prácticas de crianza: Estamos interesados en aprender más sobre la perspectivas de los padres Hispanos/Latinos sobre el tratamiento para la ansiedad infantil y los valores culturales y crianza de niños. Su participación involucra completar unos cuestionarios y una entrevista. El tiempo de participación total es de 60 a 90 minutos a través de Zoom en el tiempo que sea conveniente para usted. Los participantes recibirán $50 a través de Zelle o Venmo al completar el estudio. Este estudio no involucra ningún tratamiento. El propósito del estudio es hablar con padres Hispanos/Latinos acerca de sus perspectivas en tratamiento y crianza. 

    Parents can call or text 305-349-3337 or email for more information.

  • Seeking families of teens 13-17 years old for a research study about reading, social changes and the brain (READ)
    Seeking families of teens 13-17 years old for a research study about reading, social changes and the brain (READ)
    Your child’s brain activity will be measured during computer and reading tasks. You and your child will complete surveys regarding your child's thoughts and feelings. For completing one 4-hour long in-person study visit, you will receive $100 in compensation, plus $20 for travel expenses. For more details, visit the study website.

    Se buscan familias de adolescentes 13-17 anos para un estudio de investigación sobre lectura, cambios sociales y el cerebro (READ)
    La actividad cerebral de su hijo se medirá durante tareas de lectura y computadora. Usted y su hijo completarán encuestas sobre los pensamientos y sentimientos de su hijo. Por completar una visita de estudio en persona de 4 horas, recibirá $100 en compensación, más $20 para gastos de viaje. Para más detalles, visite el sitio del estudio.
  • Seeking parents of a child or teen ages 8-17 years old for a research study about the impact of selective mutism (SM) over time.
    Seeking parents of a child or teen ages 8-17 years old for a research study about the impact of selective mutism (SM) over time.
    Participate in our research study to help science and to learn more today! We would like to find out more about helping children with selective mutism (SM), which is when you feel afraid or worried about speaking in a certain environment or with certain people. We want to learn more about the impact of having selective mutism on children, adolescents, and adults over the long term. For more information, view this flyer

    Se buscan padres de niño(a) o adolescente de 8-17 años para un estudio de investigación sobre el impacto de mutismo selectivo (MS) a traves del tiempo
    ¡Participe en nuestro estudio de investigación para ayudar a la ciencia y aprender más hoy! Nos gustaría saber más sobre cómo ayudar a los niños con mutismo selectivo, que es cuando sientes miedo o preocupación por hablar en un determinado entorno o con ciertas personas. Queremos aprender más sobre el impacto de tener mutismo selectivo en niños, adolescentes y adultos a largo plazo. Para mas información, visiste folleto
    If you have any questions, please contact Carolina Busto at 305-348-4314 or .