The Center for Children and Families offers free, in-person and online workshops from The Children’s Trust Parent Club on raising children and teens (0-16 years old) to be successful, healthy and happy. Our goal is to share information and advice based on the latest research. 

Our in-person workshops are happening all across the community. Both, In-person and online workshops are available in English, Spanish and Creole. We aim to offer morning, afternoon and evening hours to accommodate schedules. At each workshop, caregivers may receive an entry into a raffle drawing with the completion of a short post-workshop survey. 

Request a Private Webinar!

If you would like to schedule a FREE private event for a small group of parents, or if you have any questions, please contact Ericka Ruiz. (Private events are also offered in Creole.)

Here’s a list of the current workshops we offer. Click on the plus sign to learn more about each session.

  • Toddlers and Tantrums: What Every Parent Needs to Know
    • Your toddler’s growth and development
    • Reasons why your toddler needs help to cope with emotions 
    • Tantrums: what they are and what causes them 
    • Tips for parents to handle tantrums 
    • What to do if you need additional support
  • Raising Your Child Without Raising Your Voice
    • Yelling: What is it and why do we do it?
    • Understanding what yelling does to your child’s brain
    • Effective strategies to reduce raising your voice
  • Tips and Strategies to Overcome Testing Anxiety
    • Understanding the connection between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors
    • Recognizing the relationship between anxiety, stress, and distress
    • Managing child & caregiver anxiety
    • Developing routines and strategies to help reduce test anxiety
  • The Power of Positive Parenting
    • Ensuring a safe engaging environment
    • Creating a positive learning environment
    • Using assertive discipline
    • Having reasonable expectations
    • Looking after yourself as a parent
  • Raising Confident, Competent Children
    • Showing respect to others
    • Being considerate
    • Having good communication and social skills
    • Having healthy self-esteem
    • Being a good problem solver
    • Becoming independent
  • Raising Resilient Children
    • Recognizing and accepting feelings
    • Expressing feelings appropriately
    • Building a positive outlook
    • Developing coping skills
    • Dealing with negative feelings
    • Dealing with stressful life events
  • Parenting During a Pandemic
    • Handling Your Child’s Emotions
    • Working from Home and Home Schooling
    • Time Management
    • Resources for Building a Creative Learning Environment
    • Creating a Schedule
  • Let’s Talk Tech
    • Tech-Knowledge-y
    • Creating Rules and Routines
    • Keeping your Child Safe
    • Developing a Family Media Plan
    • Taking Breaks and Connecting!
  • Parenting Teens: Survival Tips
    • Getting to know your teen  
    • Managing parent stress 
    • Building your relationship with your teen 
    • Setting clear expectations
    • Giving consequences that fit
  • Understanding Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
    • Diagnosis
    • Treatment
    • Steps to take to support children and adolescents across the lifespan
  • READy, Set, Go: Music and Movement

    Explore the theme of love in families, communities and nature through storytelling, song, movement, and rhythm.

    Visit their website: 

    *This workshop is done for private events only. 

  • READy, Set, Go: Storytelling

    Explore the ways that shared reading experiences both with and without a book support language development and early literacy skills.

    Visit their website: 

    *This workshop is done for private events only. 

  • Cyberbullying
    • Conflicts
    • Identifying bullying
    • Male and female bullying styles
    • Recognizing the signs of cyberbullying
    • Risk factors and consequences
    • Prevention
    • Helping the children who are bullied
    • What to do if your child bullies
  • Raising Competent Teenagers
    • Developing self-discipline 
    • Establishing good routines
    • Getting involved in school activities 
    • Being a good problem solver
    • Following school rules
    • Having supportive friends
  • Getting Teenagers Connected
    • Being confident
    • Being socially skilled
    • Planning ahead
    • Meeting commitments
    • Keeping in contact
    • Taking care of others
  • Raising Responsible Teenagers
    • Taking part in family decision-making
    • Being respectful and considerate
    • Getting involved in family activities
    • Developing a healthy lifestyle
    • Being reliable
    • Being assertive
  • Childhood Stress: How to Keep Calm and Carry on

    • How stress affects the mind and body
    • Signs of childhood stress
    • Why your child may feel stressed
    • How to respond to your child's stress
    • Useful skills to help your child manage stress


Upcoming events will be posted here.

El Centro para Niños y Familias (Center for Children and Families) se ha asociado con The Children’s Trust para ofrecer talleres en persona y virtuales gratuitos que cubren temas que son clave para criar hijos (de 0 a 12 años) exitosos, saludables y felices. Nuestro objetivo es compartir información y consejos basados en las últimas investigaciones.

Nuestros talleres presenciales están teniendo lugar en toda la comunidad. Ambos talleres en persona y virtuales están disponibles en inglés, español y creole. Nuestro objetivo es ofrecer horarios en la mañana, tarde y noche para acomodar diferentes horarios. En cada taller, los cuidadores pueden participar en un sorteo con la realización de una breve encuesta posterior al taller.

¡Solicite un Seminario Privado!

Si desea programar un evento privado Gratuito para un grupo pequeño de padres, o si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con Ericka Ruiz (Los eventos privados también se ofrecen en Creole)

Aquí hay una lista de los talleres actuales que ofrecemos. Haga clic en el signo de más para obtener información adicional sobre cada sesión.

  • Niños pequeños y berrinches: lo que todos los padres deben saber
    • El crecimiento y desarrollo de su niño pequeño
    • Razones por las que su niño pequeño necesita ayuda para sobrellevar las emociones
    • Berrinches: qué son y qué los provoca
    • Consejos para que los padres manejen los berrinches
    • Qué hacer si necesita apoyo adicional
  • Criando A Su Hijo Sin Levantar la Voz
    • Definición de gritos
    • Comprender el cerebro de su hijo
    • ¿Por qué gritamos?
    • Estrategias para prevenir los gritos
    • Técnicas efectivas
  • Ansiedad ante los exámenes: consejos y estrategias para padres
    • Abordará las razones por las que los niños pueden sentirse ansiosos por tomar exámenes
    • Discutirá cómo detectar la ansiedad al tomar exámenes en los niños
    • Presentará consejos basados ​​en evidencia para manejar la ansiedad de los niños ante los exámenes
    • Proporcionará información sobre servicios de tratamiento y estudios de investigación para la ansiedad infantil
  • Crianza Positiva
    • Cómo asegurar un ambiente seguro e interesante
    • Cómo crear un ambiente positivo de aprendizaje
    • Cómo usar la disciplina asertiva
    • Tener expectativas razonables
    • Cómo cuidar de si mismo como padre/madre
  • Criando Niños Seguros y Competentes
    • Mostrar respeto a los demás
    • Ser considerado
    • Tener buena comunicación y habilidades sociales
    • Tener una autoestima saludable
    • Ser un buen solucionador de problemas
    • Ser independiente
  • Criando Niños Resilientes
    • Reconocer y aceptar sus emociones
    • Expresar sus emociones apropiadamente
    • Construir una perspectiva positiva
    • Desarrollar habilidades para lidiar con problemas
    • Lidiar con las emociones negativas
    • Lidiar con eventos estresantes de la vida
  • Crianza Durante una Pandemia
    • Manejar las emociones de los niños
    • Trabajar y educar a los hijos desde casa
    • Habilidades para el manejo del tiempo
    • Recursos para construir un entorno de aprendizaje creativo
    • Crear un horario
  • ¡Hablemos de tecnología!
    • Tecnología y Conocimiento
    • Crear Reglas y Rutinas
    • Mantener la Seguridad de los hijos
    • Desarrollar un plan familiar para las redes sociales
    • ¡Tómese un descanso y conéctese!
  • Criando Adolescentes: Consejos de Supervivencia
    • Conociendo a su adolescente
    • Manejo del estrés de los padres
    • Construyendo su relación con su adolescente
    • Establecer expectativas claras
    • Dar consecuencias justas  
  • Entendiendo el Trastorno por Deficit de Atención e Hiperactividad (TDAH)
    • Diagnóstico
    • Tratamiento
    • Pasos a seguir para apoyar a los niños y adolescentes a lo largo de la vida
  • Ready, Set, Go: Musica & Movimiento

    Explora el tema del amor en las familias, las comunidades y la naturaleza a través de la narración, el canto, el movimiento y el ritmo.

  • Ready, Set, Go: Contar Cuentos

    Explora las formas en que las experiencias de lectura compartidas con y sin un libro apoyan el desarrollo del lenguaje y las habilidades de la alfabetización temprana.

  • Criando Adolescentes Competentes
    • Desarrollar de la autodisciplina
    • Establecer buenas rutinas
    • Involucrarse en actividades escolares
    • Ser un buen solucionador de problemas
    • Seguir las reglas escolares
    • Tener amigos solidarios
  • Criando Adolescentes Responsables
    • Participar en la toma de decisiones familiares
    • Ser respetuoso y considerado
    • Involucrarse en actividades familiares
    • Desarrollar un estilo de vida saludable
    • Ser confiable 
    • Ser asertivo
  • Conectando a los Adolescentes
    • Tener confianza en sí mismo
    • Ser socialmente hábil
    • Planificar para el futuro
    • Cumplir los compromisos
    • Mantener el contacto con su entorno
    • Cuidar de los demás
  • Estrés infantil: Como mantener la calma y continuar
    • Cómo afecta el estrés a la mente y al cuerpo
    • Signos de estrés infantil
    • Por qué su hijo puede sentirse estresado
    • Cómo responder al estrés de su hijo
    • Habilidades útiles para ayudar a su hijo a controlar el estrés


Los próximos eventos se presentarán aquí.

Meet the Team 



  • Dr. Katie Hart
    Dr. Katie Hart is the Director of Parent Club at FIU, an Associate Professor of Psychology, and a Licensed Clinical Psychologist. She specializes in promoting school readiness and positive mental health in young children. Parent Club is a very special program to Dr. Hart. Not only is it a club for parents and caregivers to come together to learn, share, and connect with each other about strategies that actually work (something she also finds very helpful as a mother of two), it is a club dedicated to strengthening families across the Miami-Dade community and brings together many partners to achieve that goal. Parents are children’s first teachers, but unlike teachers, there is no certification or training you go through before becoming a parent. We are all learning as we go, and one thing is for sure, we can’t do it alone. It takes a village! Come and be part of our village of parents and community partners - we are here for you any time. And if we don’t have the answer, we will help you find it!
  • Ericka S. Ruiz
    Ericka S. Ruiz is a Program Coordinator and Facilitator of Parent Club at FIU in addition to being a Registered Mental Health Counselor Intern. She leads Spanish and English webinars. Ericka joined the club because she wanted to help parents in the community acquire new parenting skills. She loves Parent Club because it provides new strategies for parents to have in their toolkit as well as share experiences with other parents.
  • Victoria Quintanilla
    Victoria Quintanilla is a Program Coordinator and Facilitator of Parent Club at FIU in addition to being a Registered Mental Health Counselor Intern. She leads English and Spanish workshops. Victoria joined the club because she wanted to help both new and current parents find a place where they felt welcomed and supported. She loves Parent Club because it allows parents to gain strategies and resources along with meeting other parents who are facing the daily struggles of parenthood. She loves being able to empower parents feel more confident in their parenting and help them strengthen their relationship with their children.
  • Barbara Jimenez
    Barbara Jimenez is a Facilitator for The Parent Club at FIU. She has worked with children and their families for over 20 years in the role of Educator as well as Parenting Coach, but she feels much of her experience has been attained by learning to be mom to her two children, which are now young adults. Barbara remembers the challenges of each stage and although all children are different, she can relate to the difficulties as well as not always being able to show up as she hoped to. That experience helps her to find empathy for the parents she supports. Knowing that she can support families with skills that will build their relationships with each other as well as anyone they encounter, warms her heart. Parents have a huge role in our society and influence our future generations, yet our children come without a set of instructions and so often parents are told they should just know how to best raise their children. She does not feel it is solely intuitive but a combination of intuition and learning effective skills that haven’t always been modeled for parents. It is truly a pleasure and her passion to support families in this journey.
  • Darian Lazo
    Darian Lazo is a FIU graduate, currently working as a facilitator at the Center of Children and Families at FIU leading bilingual workshops, connecting with parents, the community and loving every second of it! Early on working with children and families has really shaped his outlook and career path. He is always finding new ways to connect with families and provide them with strategies and resources to help them overcome any obstacles they might face.
  • Gabriel Suarez
    Gabriel Suarez is a Facilitator for Parent Club at FIU. He leads English and Spanish webinars. He joined the club because he wanted to help parents learn different strategies that might help them better their relationship with their children and to help them implement strategies that can help their children in the future. He enjoys Parent Club because it allows him to interact directly with parents on a more personal level and it helps parents gain strategies and resources that might help not only with their current situation but future situations as well.